Female doctors earn $50,000 less than male doctors

Sept 3, 2013, The Washington Post

American Medical Associationのジャーナルに発表された新しい研究によれば、医師、歯科医師、そして他のヘルスケア労働者の間のジェンダー間賃金ギャップは、過去10年間で拡大している。



In most of all industrial societies, women earn less than men.
Although there are many women who are in a high status occupation in America,
gender gap doesn't tend to be disappearing.

There is larger gender pay gap in Japan than in the US.
According to this article, working mothers in Japan suffer from the largest pay gap with men among developed countries.

The article also shows that the median salary of working Japanese women with
children is 61 percent than that of men.

There are many causes. One reason is that many married women quit their jobs
after giving birth.
Some mothers return to labor market after their children grow up, but they find few opportunities to get a job with a high salary.
Furthermore, they have no option but to work part-time.

Another reason is the occupational gender segregation.
Women do different tasks from men, which are low-skilled, insecure, and low-paid in many cases.