
Nuffield College

Nuffiled College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in England. It is a graduate college and specializes in the social sciences, particu- larly economics, politics and sociology. It is one of the newest colleges…

My apartment in Oxford

I found my apartment in Oxford through Airbnb.This is a nice apartment. The location is great. It is only 5 minutes walk from the apartment to the Nuffield College. There are many restaurants and cafes in the neighborhood. It is very acces…

Food in Oxford

I'm trying to settle into my new life in Oxford.I haven’t found any nice restaurant here. Today I went to an English style (seem- ingly nice) cafe for brunch and a Korean restaurant for dinner near my apart- ment. The dishes were not bad, …

Departure from Ithaca

I had a terrible experience when I left Ithaca for Oxford!I planned to take an airplane from Ithaca for Newark at 5:50 pm on 14th. The first terrible happening was that my flight from Ithaca was cancelled. Although I could book the next fl…

My last day at Cornell


My last party in Ithaca

I had the last party in Ithaca.Thank you for coming to the party during a heavy snowstorm. I was so glad to say good-bye to my Japanese friends. I couldn't imagine that I met so many Japanese people who are studying in a variety of fields.…

Inequality Discussion Group

I attended the Inequality Discussion Group sponsored by the Center for the Study of Inequality at the Department of Sociology, Cornell. I summarize what I learned and thought by attending the group. コーネル大学の社会学部では、Inequality D…

Women in the Economy

今学期はILR SchoolのBlau教授の"Women in the Economy"という授業を聴講させてもらった。 アメリカ人女性の就労について、知らなかったことを知ることができた。This fall semester, I attended "Women in the Economy" by Professor F. Blau, a course for…

Cornell Dining

Cornell University is famous for its delicious dining. I didn't know about it, but my friend told me that. It's very delicious, and there are a variety of dishes. The menu changes every day. There are some dining areas, and my favorite is …

Thanksgiving Dinner

Today I and my friend were invited to a Thanksgiving dinner by an American family. (This was an event arranged by a group for international scholars and students in Ithaca.) It was my first time to enjoy traditional Thanksgiving dinner wit…

Snow days

We have some snow days in November. I'll leave Ithaca in less than three weeks. I miss Ithaca, but I'm happy to leave this cold place soon... This is the Uris Hall where I work: This is the road where I commute:

Wal-Mart Vision Center


Memories of Philadelphia

フィラデルフィアに行った時の思い出。 フィラデルフィアは歴史のある、美しい街だった。また行ってみたい。I visited Philadelphia for the first time! I have just passed there to change air- planes before. Last winter, I had to stay in Philadelph…

Justice in the Home: Domestic Work Past, Present, and Future

10月16〜17日、ニューヨークシティのバーナード大学(コロンビア大学の横にある)で開かれた、 "Justice in the Home: Domestic Work Past, Present, and Future"というカンファレンスに出席した。すごく面白かった!I attended the conference, "Justice in…

NYC, September 14-16, 2014

I enjoyed travelling to New York City with my friend.My friend came from Japan, so we decided to go travelling together. We went to SOHO, Nolita, Little Italy, Chinatown, Dumbo, Brooklyn bridge, East upper side, Broadway show (This is our …


Today I heard a sad story about Penny. Penny was a cat kept by my host. Since I started to live here, we had lovely time together. When I was away from here, she was hit by a car and died. We met every day. Penny was friendly and cute. I r…

Fall Semester, 2014

This fall semester, my last semester at Cornell, I will attend two courses, "Contemporary Union Movement" and "Women in the Economy" at the IRL school.I attended the introduction of "Contemporary Union Movement" on Aug. 26th. The teachers …

Yellow Stone National Park


Grand Teton National Park

1929年の恐慌の年に国立公園に指定されたグランド・ティトン。国立公園に指定されていたときはすでに開発が進んでいて、今でも民間の土地が少しだけ残っているらしい。これは、国立公園としては珍しいという。山と湖が美しい。ここで一番高いGrand Teton Mou…

Stanford University

After San Francisco, we moved to Palo Alto and stayed there for one day. We went around Stanford University by a guide of our friend who stays at Stanford as a visiting scholar. I heard that Stanford University has the most beautiful campu…

San Francisco & the annual meeting of ASA

I went to San Francisco to attend the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA). It was my first time to visit San Francisco. It is a beautiful city close to the sea. My husband told me that San Francisco is the best ci…

Fieldwork in NYC


Shopping in NYC

I went around many shops in New York City.I like shopping. There are many nice fashion brands in NYC; for example, Ulla Johnson, Band of Outsiders, Sea New York, Demylee, or Rachel Comey. There are also good select shops; Steven Alan, Scoo…

Language exchange events

言語交換のイベントに参加。 色々な人に会えて、楽しかった。日本語を学んでいるアメリカ人、英語をブラッシュアップしたい日本人、色々な言語を学びたい色々な国からの人。言語を学ぶことっていいなあ、と改めて思った。余裕があれば、少しでもいいので、英…

The Bronx

ブロンクスに行った時の話。 I visited the Bronx for the first time.I was interested in the Bronx area. In New York City, the Bronx is famous as the most dangerous area. However, this area is being redeveloped in recent years. I also know th…

Vintage shops & Streets

I went around some vintage shops.まとめサイトなどの情報を参考に、SOHOの辺りにあるヴィンテージショップ巡り。お店によっては、ガラクタに近いものを売っていたり、「ヴィンテージ」という名をつけて古着を高く売っている感もなきにしもあらずだけど、な…

Brooklyn Public Library

I visited the Brooklyn Public Library. ブルックリンのパブリックライブラリーは、ニューヨークのパブリックライブラリーと違って、ローカルな色彩が強い感じがした。地域のアーティストの作品の展示、ブルックリンを知るための資料室(Brooklyn Collectio…

Exploring NYC (Aug. 1-15th, 2014)

この夏、2週間のニューヨークシティ滞在。 色々なところに行って、アメリカ社会の一端を知るためのフィールドワークをする。今回も、宿はAirbnb。ブルックリンのAtlantic Terminal近くで、2週間の滞在で約900ドル。古いけれど、手入れの行き届いた部屋。しか…

Japan, July 2014

日本に一時帰国。美味しいものを食べ過ぎた。 I went back temporarily to Japan and stayed there for three weeks. I visited Kita-Kyuchu, Takarazuka, Yokohama and Tokyo. I really enjoyed delicious Japanese food. Because I ate too much and gaine…

The conference of ISA in Yokohama

4年に一度開催される世界社会学会議に出席。色々な人と交流できて、楽しかった。4年後のトロントにも参加したい。 I participated in the conference of the International Sociological Association (ISA) which was held in Yokohama on July 13-19. ISA i…