RC28, Spring Meeting


The Spring Meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) was held in Budapest, at the Central European University (CEU), May 8-10, 2014.

I attended the meeting for the first time. I made a presentation titled "The Effect of Collective Bargaining Structures on the Skill-Wage Relationship in OECD Countries" in the poster session. It was a "digital poster session" (because the university could not prepare for enough space for sixty poster presentations), and we were assigned a computer and talked with audiences one-to-one. Some scholars came to hear my presentation. I was glad to meet new people.

Aside from the poster session, I attended the following sessions: "Labor Market 1: Labor Market Changes and Inequalities in Europe", "Plenary Session 1", "Income Inequality 2", "Gender 2: Domestic Division of Labor", "Labor Market 2: Women in the Labor Markets", "Inequalities, Welfare State, Social Policy 2", "Education 10: Institutional Contexts".

I learned a lot from these sessions. Many scholars used cross-national comparative data, especially from European countries. It was good to know many kinds of comparative data and related analytical methods, but I thought some people discussed their results without adequate consideration of contexts of different countries. I would like to keep learning about cross-national comparative method.

Although there were two sessions named "Labor Market", I thought there were fewer presentations that focused on labor market inequalities, such as inequality of wage or job security than I expected. There were many papers on education (There were ten sessions).

Because I suffered from jet lag on my first and second day, I could not concentrate on listening to some presentations. I think I should arrive before the meeting started.

The conference dinner was held on a cruise around the Danube. It was great!
I enjoyed the meeting so much.