Corning Museum of Glass

I visited the Corning Museum of Glass with my friend. It was founded in 1951 and currently has a collection of more than 45,000 glass objects, some over 3,500 years old. I was surprised that glass products were made so long ago!

There are a lot of interesting exhibitions of both new and old glasses.
We also enjoyed a glass making show.

After looking around the museum, we went downtown in Corning. We stopped at several shops. I bought a necklace of heart shape at the museum shop, small glasses at an antique shop, and strawberry balsamic vinegar and herb olive oil at a retail shop.

お友達の先生にご招待いただいて、Corning Museum of Glassへのツアーに行ってきた。イサカからはバスで1時間ほど。ミュージアムだけじゃなくて、ダウンタウンの散策も楽しかった。日曜日なので、お店の多くが閉まっていたのが残念だったけど。